
Lee Kum Kee Makes April Fool’s Day Headlines With “Launch” of Its Sriracha Mayo Toothpaste

This April Fool’s Day, Lee Kum Kee participated in a humorous brand prank with the fictitious launch of its new Sriracha Mayo Toothpaste. In a playful nod to its best-selling Sriracha Mayo, Lee Kum Kee invited fans to “freshen up and keep those cavities away with a bold, spicy flavor built for top-tier oral hygiene!” To spread the news to brand fans and Sriracha Mayo lovers everywhere, the brand created a playful video, which was posted to Instagram, as well as shared with top-tier lifestyle, consumer news, food & beverage, and advertising trade media. With a resurgence of April Fool’s brand news this year, Lee Kum Kee was covered widely in national news outlets and across all verticals, even appearing in news headlines alongside popular brands like Hidden Valley Ranch, Smarties, Rosetta Stone, and more. The coverage garnered more than 420 million impressions.

Sriracha Toothpaste Instagram post The Washington Post clipping, featuring "Sriracha toothpaste" as a headline Today news clipping Reviewed news clipping

USA Today news clipping

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